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David Lapham

Creator of Stray Bullets.

Preview All Pieces On This Page

Featured Pages :

30 Days of Night - #2 COVER
Issue: 3
Page: cover

30 Days of Night : 30 Days Till Death
Issue: 2
Page: 9

30 Days of Night : 30 Days Till Death
Issue: 3
Page: 10

Cold Friend - p 1 of 8 complete - Harlen Ellison story -
Price:$$500    Sold

Daredevil Vs Punisher
Issue: 5
Page: 11
Price:$60    Sold

Daredevil Vs Punisher
Issue: 5
Page: 9

Daredevil Vs Punisher
Issue: 6
Page: 18

Distant Soil - Pin Up

Iron Fist
Issue: 27
Page: 23

Iron Fist
Issue: 27
Page: 24

Mystic Comics 70th anniv special - 2/3 splash feat. Vision
Issue: 1
Page: 20
Price:$200    Sold

Pitt trading card set (cards #84 & #85

Page: 127
Price:$xxx    Sold

Page: 152
Price:$xxx    Sold

Page: 76

Spiderman - With Great Power
Issue: 5
Page: 19

Spiderman - With Great Power...
Issue: 5
Page: 5

Stray Bullets
Issue: 12
Page: 17

Stray Bullets
Issue: 12
Page: 19
Price:$xxx    Sold

Stray Bullets
Issue: 12
Page: 22
Price:$xxx    Sold

Stray Bullets
Issue: 12
Page: 23
Price:$xxx    Sold

Stray Bullets
Issue: 12
Page: 26
Price:$xxx    Sold

Superman - Annual
Issue: 5
Page: 32

Superman - Annual
Issue: 5
Page: 36
Price:$xxx    Sold

Superman - Annual -
Issue: 5
Page: 10

Warriors Of Plasm
Issue: 5
Page: 11
Price:$xx    Sold

Young Liars
Issue: 1
Page: 24
Price:$xxx    Sold

Young Liars
Issue: 11
Page: 5

Young Liars
Issue: 3
Page: 20

Young Liars
Issue: 4
Page: 9
Price:$xxx    Sold

Young Liars
Issue: 5
Page: 7

Young Liars
Issue: 8
Page: 20

Young Liars
Issue: 9
Page: 4
Price:$150    Sold

More Artwork By This Artist!

Title Issue Page Price
30 Days of Night - #2 COVER 3 cover $350
30 Days of Night : 30 Days Till Death 2 9 $75
30 Days of Night : 30 Days Till Death 3 10 $75
Cold Friend - p 1 of 8 complete - Harlen Ellison story - $$500  Sold
Daredevil Vs Punisher 5 11 $60  Sold
Daredevil Vs Punisher 5 9 $60
Daredevil Vs Punisher 6 18 $90
Distant Soil - Pin Up $250
Iron Fist 27 23 $60
Iron Fist 27 24 $60
Mystic Comics 70th anniv special - 2/3 splash feat. Vision 1 20 $200  Sold
Pitt trading card set (cards #84 & #85 $100
Silverfish 127 $xxx  Sold
Silverfish 152 $xxx  Sold
Silverfish 76 $100
Spiderman - With Great Power 5 19 $60
Spiderman - With Great Power... 5 5 $50
Stray Bullets 12 17 $600
Stray Bullets 12 19 $xxx  Sold
Stray Bullets 12 22 $xxx  Sold
Stray Bullets 12 23 $xxx  Sold
Stray Bullets 12 26 $xxx  Sold
Superman - Annual 5 32 $30
Superman - Annual 5 36 $xxx  Sold
Superman - Annual - 5 10 $100
Warriors Of Plasm 5 11 $xx  Sold
Young Liars 1 24 $xxx  Sold
Young Liars 11 5 $125
Young Liars 3 20 $125
Young Liars 4 9 $xxx  Sold
Young Liars 5 7 $125
Young Liars 8 20 $125
Young Liars 9 4 $150  Sold




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